Realizations, Visions

An Unexpected Bump on the Road

It’s been a long time since I wrote something here. I have been bumming for about 4 months now. It’s very hard because I am become more lethargic as the days pass. I have nothing to do except laze around. Most of the time, I am in my room. I wanted to help more around the house but all my efforts of cleaning and organizing always becomes useless. I have expressed this before about living with alpha-males in the form of my father and brother. The concept of cleaning after your own mess is something foreign to them. Also, my sister, whom I expect to help me clean and keep everything nice also contributes to the dirt accumulating everywhere. The only people really making an effort to make this house a comfortable home is my mom, me and occasionally, my other older brother.

Due to the boredom I feel, I resort to staying up wee hours of the morning and waking up late as well. I might end up becoming addicted to a form of habit which won’t be divulged here as I want to keep this one family friendly. It is really hard being a bum at home. At first, I liked the concept but as time passes by, I’m becoming more miserable. I need to find a job.

As I’ve mentioned in the previous post, I worked in the ESL industry for 4 years now. It was nice but I want to change it. I want a different nature of work. Recently, I looked for jobs that would only use my organizing skills e.g. office staff; booking coordinator. However, my future in that area seems futile. My resume is not impressive enough. My parents are pushing me to pursue getting a skills training course and I haven’t really given it a clear thought yet. My pride is on the way and the comfort zone I am in is too big.

I really need guidance and ears and heart to listen. I am getting old. My parents are getting old. I need to make sure my name is etched in the society before I reach 30. I am confident I have the potential. I just have to get over that big of a bump on the road to success.
